
Remote Mouse Tracker

A web-based application that allows users to control the mouse cursor remotely and simulate left and right clicks. The application uses Flask for the backend, WebSockets for real-time communication, and HTML with JavaScript on the frontend to track mouse movements and handle click events.


API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description
GET / Renders the main HTML page with the mouse tracker interface.
GET /left_click Simulates a left-click.
GET /right_click Simulates a right-click.
WS ws://<server_ip>:8765 WebSocket connection for real-time mouse position updates.

You can install the necessary Python libraries using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run Project?


Flask Backend

The Flask application serves the HTML page and has two endpoints:

WebSocket Server

The WebSocket server listens for incoming messages that contain x and y coordinates, then adjusts the mouse position based on those values. It resizes the coordinates to match the system’s screen resolution.

Frontend (HTML + JavaScript)

The frontend listens for mouse movements inside the tracker box and sends the coordinates to the WebSocket server. It also sends requests to the Flask server to simulate left and right clicks when the corresponding buttons are pressed. http://<server_ip>:5000